The Empress is an upcoming Netflix German original historical romantic drama series written by Katharina Eyssen and based on the early life and romance of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. The series was co-written by Bernd Lange, Janna Maria Nandzik and Lena Stahl, Florian Cossen and Katrin Gebbe are co-directors of the series.
The Empress Release Date
The Empress will air Thursday, September 29, 2022, worldwide on Netflix.
The Empress Cast
- Devrim Lingnau as in Elisabeth von Wittlesbach
- Philip Froissant as in Franz Joseph
- Sevnja Jung as in Louise
- Raymond Tarabay as in Ambassadeur De Bourqueney
- Patrick Rapold as in Franz Liszt
- Jonathan Failla as in Robert Stephenson
- Rudy Ruggiero as in Von Eskeles
- Irene Della Casa as in Baronesse Francesca
- Simson Bubbel as in Livree Ischi
The Empress Plot
When the rebellious Elisabeth met the Austrian Emperor Franz, the intoxicating love of the young couple turned the power structure at the Viennese court upside down. After the wedding, the young empress not only has to assert herself against her lust for power.
Mother-in-law Sophie, but also against Franz’s brother Maxi, who longs for the throne (and Sisi) himself. As enemy troops form on the borders of the Habsburg Empire, the Viennese rise up in protest against the Emperor. Elisabeth must find out who to trust and what the price is in order to prove that she is the true Empress and is the beacon of hope for the people.
Who was Elisabeth von Wittelsbach?
Elisabeth von Wittelsbach was the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Coming from the Bavarian Wittelsbach royal family, Elisabeth married Franz Joseph at the age of sixteen and soon had to adjust to life at the Habsburg court, to his disregard. During the early years of her reign as Empress of Austria, Elisabeth was at odds with her mother-in-law, Archduchess Sophia, who took it upon herself to raise her grandchildren, as the Empress was too young to raise multiple children at once. . After protests from her husband, Elisabeth was finally allowed to spend more time with her daughters and they were allowed to take her with them on trips.
Unfortunately, Elisabeth was blamed for the death of her eldest daughter, Princess Sophie, who died of high fever and diarrhea while traveling in Budapest, Hungary. Princess Sophie’s death and the immediate aftermath would affect Elisabeth’s sanity for the rest of her life. Elisabeth was not cruel, but she was motherless to all her surviving children for the rest of her life, which was not supported by Archduchess Sophia, who felt vindicated by the princess’ death that she and not the empress. She has children to raise. For the rest of her life, Elisabeth kept a bracelet with her daughter’s likeness and portraits in her home.
In order to escape from courtly life and relax, Elisabeth traveled to Hungary and developed a close relationship with her people. Elizabeth’s relationship with Hungary helped found the Dual Monarchy of 1867 and established the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Elisabeth spent the last years of her life traveling, which helped her escape from her melancholy and courtly life. Unfortunately, on September 10, 1898, Elisabeth was murdered while visiting Geneva, Switzerland.
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