The fifth season of “Yellowstone” on Paramount Network follows the Duttons as they face new challenges to protect their ancestral Yellowstone Dutton Ranch. During the season, viewers also meet Abby (Lainey Wilson), a country music artist from Montana.
As the story goes on, Abby meets Ryan and a romance develops between them. As the duo’s relationship nears concussion, viewers have to wonder if Lainey Wilson (Abby) will leave the series. If are looking for details on Lainey Wilson’s future at Yellowstone, here’s everything you need to know!
What Happens to Abby?
Abby appears in the first episode of Season 5 of Yellowstone entitled A Hundred Years Is Nothing. Abby is a country musician who travels from town to town and performs at events. He arrives in Bozeman, Montana after John Dutton is elected governor of the state. She is one of the musicians performing at the Governor’s Ball at Dutton Ranch in Yellowstone. Abby meets Ryan they quickly become attracted to each other.
Ryan and Abby reunite at a local bar in the third episode entitled “Tall Drink of Water” where the latter forms up. The duo begins dating, and Abby is also in the cattle burn camp at the ranch. Abby hints that she is looking for a serious relationship but agrees to give Ryan time to show her his affection. In the seventh episode entitled “The Dream Is Not Me” the Dutton cattle suffer from brucellosis. Rip is forced to herd the cattle to another ranch in Texas. He chooses Ryan to be his companion, causing a rift between Abby and Ryan.
Is Lainey Wilson’s Abby Leaving Yellowstone?
In “Yellowstone,” real-life country singer Lainey Wilson plays Abby. The singer gained popularity through her music but she went for acting with her recurring role on Yellowstone. His appearance in Season 5 marks Wilson’s acting debut. , and her relationship with Ryan has quickly become a fan favorite on the show. In addition, the songs sung by Wilson appear in some episodes of the 5th season. At the end of the seventh episode, Ryan and Abby. The relationship is in limbo.
In the final moments of the episode, Ryan explains to Abby his passion for ranching and life as a cowboy. Although she understands Ryan’s feelings, she doesn’t want to wait for his return. that Ryan and Abby have broken up forever. Given that Abby’s storyline is tied to Ryan in season five and their relationship is an important part of the narrative, it’s likely that Lainey Wilson’s time on the show is over. Although Wilson hasn’t confirmed her departure from the series, given her music career it’s likely that the singer had limited time to film. Additionally, Wilson may have concerts and live performances scheduled, preventing him from filming for the show.
With season five consisting of fourteen episodes and an extended shooting schedule, Wilson will most likely not appear for the entire season. Therefore, all indications are that Wilson will leave the series when his character arc appears to be complete. However, the door is open for Wilson’s Abby to return to “Yellowstone” in future seasons.
Read More: Are Yellowstone’s Duttons Scottish or Irish, Explained.