The third episode of Season 5 of Hulu’s dystopian series The Handmaid’s Tale, titled Border, follows the aftermath of Major Fred Waterford’s funeral. Serena Joy Waterford meets with Commander MacKenzie and his wife and discusses the threat June Osborne poses.
June and Moira Strand meet with a resistance group on the Canada-Gilead border to speak with Commander Nick Blaine about the safety of June’s daughter, Hannah Bankole.
The captivating episode concludes with developments that rewrite Serena’s fate, and here’s everything you need to know about it! SPOILERS AHEAD.
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Episode 3 Summary
Border begins with June expressing her concerns about Hannah’s safety to her partner, Lucas “Luke” Bankole. She tells him she needs to contact Nick and asks about Hannah. Moira tells him she knows of a secret group on the border who have the ability to contact Nick without alerting Gilead surveillance. They meet a member of the group who thanks June for saving over twenty women, including her, from Gilead by giving him, Fred. In Gilead, Serena is having dinner in
with Commander Joseph Lawrence, the MacKenzies, Nick, and his wife Rose. Commander MacKenzie tells Serena that they must eliminate June before she dares threaten her life. At dinner, MacKenzie reminds Lawrence that one man cannot remain at the helm of Gilead. After dinner, Serena spends time with Lawrence and talks about his new marriage, giving signs that she is interested in marrying for the sake of her power. She also informs Mark Tuello that she
She intends to remain in Gilead, her homeland, rather than return to Toronto with him. June manages to contact Nick and asks about Hannah, who reveals that she is mature enough to prepare to become a commander’s wife. Janine Lindo regains consciousness after being poisoned by Esther Keyes.
Why Do the Commanders Send Serena Back to Toronto?
After Fred’s funeral, Serena decides to stay in Gilead. He must have realized the importance of power and recognition to take revenge on his enemies, especially June and her allies. For the same reason, she needs to be in a place where she is respected. As for Serena, in Toronto, she is just another woman protected by people who failed to protect her husband. However, the Commander’s Council decides not to give Serena sanctuary.
First of all, for the commanders of the totalitarian regime, Gilead is not a place for powerful and influential women like Serena. The commanders must have feared that Serena’s courage, strength, and influence would affect the other women of Gilead, who are expected to live as mere servants to their husbands. As Lawrence points out, such a patriarchal system cannot dare to accommodate a woman like Serena, who doesn’t mind fighting her enemies as a man does in the field. Also, Serena and her husband.
They left Gilead while they were in Canada. The commanders have no reason to trust her blindly, which must have influenced them to send her back to Toronto. The commanders inform Serena that they expect her to be Gilead’s global ambassador, one of whose main duties is to improve the nation’s image in the eyes of other countries. But the unofficial post could just be an excuse to keep Serena away. Following the successful assassination of Fred in June,
The commanders know their next target could be Serena. If they offer protection to Serena, June might be tempted to fight Gilead and Serena in particular. Commanders may want June and Serena to conflict outside of their territory so that the conflict does not endanger their lives.
Did June Kill Serena?
When Serena goes to Gilead for Fred’s funeral, June thinks she will never return to Toronto just to find out about his return. June then runs into Serena and asks her to stay away from Hannah. twice about threatening Serena, the latter might be afraid of what the former might do, especially after Fred’s murder. However, June may not be in a hurry to kill Serena. If June kills Serena, commanders in Gilead see the same as a warning sign and begin to fear if June will be after them. Such a turn of events will force the commanders to shut down Gilead once and for all, making it difficult for June to save Hannah from the totalitarian regime.
When Gilead closes, Hannah will be caught up in the same thing, shattering any remaining hope of reuniting with her daughter in June. Nick’s revelation that he can’t help her like he used to put even more pressure on June, who may have to hold an open door to Gilead to save his daughter. Instead of killing Serena, June can even use her or force her to save Hannah.
Read More: The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Episode 4 Release Date and Spoilers
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