The fifth season of Hulu’s dystopian series The Handmaid’s Tale begins with a depiction of the aftermath of the murder of Major Fred Waterford. In the season premiere, titled “Tomorrow,” June Osborne surprises her partner Lucas “Luke” Bankole by deciding to confess to the Major’s murder. Because the murder took place in no man’s land, Canadian police are refusing to pursue an investigation, much to the disappointment of Fred’s wife Serena Joy
Waterford. Serena visits Gilead with her husband’s body. , paving the way for intriguing consequences.
The second episode of Season 5 entitled “Ballet” ends with amazing developments in Gilead. If you want to see the same in detail, you’ve come to the right place! SPOILERS BELOW.
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Episode 1 and 2
“Tomorrow” begins with June informing Luke and Moira Strand that she killed Fred. The other former maids who accompanied June to kill the commander ask her for help in killing other commanders who injured them, only for June to tell them. which is impractical. ICC officers move Serena from her prison to a maximum-security facility after discovering Fred’s body. Mark Tuello reveals to Serena that her husband was killed and that she should be somewhere safer so she and her unborn baby are not harmed.
After looking at a crime scene photo, he tells Tuello that June killed Fred. June learns that Dr. Emily Malek returned to Gilead for Aunt Lydia. He realizes that he may never see Emily again. he is considering reuniting with his daughter Hannah Bankole at some point.
June becomes obsessed with Serena while anticipating her next move. Additionally, she confesses to the Toronto Police Department that she killed Fred in hopes of being imprisoned, possibly to keep Serena away from her family. The murder did not occur on Canadian soil so she could be arrested. Luke asks June to stop obsessing over Serena.
‘Ballet’ begins with Serena traveling to Gilead with Fred’s body as she wants her husband to come to rest in the country he helped found. Commanders Joseph Lawrence and Nick Blaine hesitantly greet him. Fred’s wake takes place at Warren Putnam’s Commander House. Serena calls for a big funeral for her husband when Lawrence shows her a small church to hold the service.
However, the nation’s top officials let him know that Fred, an apparent traitor, deserves nothing better. Despite this, she persuades Putnam and other commanders to prepare a posh funeral for her husband with Lawrence’s help. and Nick.
Are Janine and Esther Dead or Alive? Why Does Esther Poison Janine?
Ever since Esther Keyes became Keyes’ maid, Janine Lindo has taken a special interest in her. Janine steps between Esther and Aunt Lydia and reassures the former about the whole thing. He also protects the recruit from Aunt Lydia’s atrocities. Of course, they end up sharing a bond and Esther encourages her adjustment to become a maid with the help of Janine, which impresses Lydia. The latter brings Esther to Commander Warren Putnam’s house to become his new Maid.
Lydia also hints at the possibility that Janine could visit Esther at the Putnam home to guide the new servant. After Putnam accepts Esther as his new maid, she shares chocolate with Janine, only for them both to start vomiting blood. Esther poisoned Janine. and herself, since she does not want to lead a servant life. She believes Janine has helped her become a capable servant and hopes that she will be assigned to the Putnam household so that she can visit her daughter Angela in while she visits Esther.
The belief leads her to believe that Janine used her for her own personal gain, without considering the hardships she must endure once she becomes Putnam’s maid. Esther poisons Janine, believing Janine manipulated her and hastened her suffering. When she first met Putnam, Esther must have realized how difficult it will be to serve him and how much she will suffer as his sex slave. Instead of becoming the same, Esther chooses death. But she wants
See the death of Janine, which paved the way for her election to serve Putnam as well. Janine pays the price for wanting to see her daughter through Esther from time to time. Although Esther and Janine are vomiting blood, they are saved when Lydia and the other maids see them. Lydia is able to organize the necessary medical procedures for two of her maids before they die. Since Putnam has taken a liking to Esther, he can do anything to at least save her as well.
Does Serena Broadcast Fred’s Funeral?
After arriving in Gilead for Fred’s funeral, she requests a large funeral for her late husband. His striving leads to such a funeral and its worldwide broadcast. When Serena initially calls for such an occasion, Putnam realizes that she can send a message that Gilead is even merciful to the traitor who betrayed the nation, to increase the country’s appeal to other nations. However, Serena has a personal reason for streaming her husband’s funeral. Serena wants June to see her
She passes it on and realizes she knows what he did to her and her husband. Serena arranges for June’s daughter, Hannah, to give her a bouquet of flowers during the funeral procession so June will realize that her daughter’s life depends on Serena’s decisions. The widow conveys the same as an explanation and testimony of her potency. Serena wants June to know that she did not lose the battle between them and that she is powerful enough to enter Gilead and take control of Hannah’s life in although he is the widow of a traitor.
As Serena airs the same thing on various screens across Toronto, Hannah also realizes how helpless she is as a mother.
Read More: The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 Episode 3 Release Date and Spoilers
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